Become an Officer
State Officer/Area Officer Candidate

State Officers
Texas TSA elects 6 State Officers annually at the State Conference in April. To apply to run for a State Officer position, the student member must meet the following eligibility criteria listed in the Student By-laws:
To be eligible to serve as officers, students must meet all of the following conditions:
- Remain in good standing with the local, state, and national organizations and maintain above-average grades in all schoolwork.
- Secure the written permission of the local administration to complete the duties and responsibilities associated with the office.
- All applicants must be in current grade 8 – 11.
- Have served as a local or regional TSA officer. A state officer candidate must have held one of the following six offices prior to running for state office: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and Sergeant-at-Arms.
- Have properly completed and submitted the officer nomination form to the state office prior to the published deadline.
- Be one of not more than two nominations for state office submitted by the TSA Chapter.
Area Officers
Area Officers of the Texas Technology Student Association serve as the liaison between regional charterships and the state. It is the mission of the area officers to establish quality communication, support growing chapters, and facilitate training of regional and chapter officers.
- Establish communication with regional executive board members as well as regional officers (if applicable).
- Serve as the liaison between the Texas TSA BOD and the chartered regions & chapters.
- Support growing chapters and help to establish new charterships.
- Plan, organize, and facilitate training of regional and chapter officers via the Area Leadership Conference, as well as any additional training as seen fit by the Texas BOD and Executive Director.
- Promote TSA by attending area STEM, CTE, or professional development conferences as seen fit by the Texas TSA BOD and Executive Director.
To be eligible to serve as officers, students must meet all of the following conditions:
- Remain in good standing with the local, state, and national organizations and maintain above-average grades in all schoolwork.
- Secure the written permission of the local administration to complete the duties and responsibilities associated with the office.
- All applicants must be in current grade 8 – 11.
- Have served as a local or regional TSA officer. A state officer candidate must have held one of the following six offices prior to running for state office: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and Sergeant-at-Arms.
- Have properly completed and submitted the officer nomination form to the state office prior to the published deadline.
- Be one of not more than two nominations for state office submitted by the TSA Chapter.
State Officer Application:
To apply to run for a Texas TSA state officer position you will need to complete the Intent to Run form by January 18, 2025 and you will need to complete the State Officer Application by February 1, 2025.
A State Officer Candidate Informational Meeting will be held on Saturday, January 11, 2025 on Zoom. The meeting will be held at 10 AM CST/9 AM MST.
Application is due by February 1.
The following items are needed to have a complete application:
1. Completed Application
2. Completed Advisor’s Recommendation
3. Completed Administrator’s Recommendation
4. Completed Community Member’s Recommendation
5. Candidate Photo
If you have any questions about the officer application process please contact Jennifer O’Brian at: [email protected]
Area Officer Application:
To apply to run for a Texas TSA state officer position you will need to complete the Intent to Run form by January 31, 2025 and you will need to complete the Area Officer Application by February 15, 2025.
A State/Area Officer Candidate Informational Meeting will be held on Saturday, January 11, 2025 on Zoom. The meeting will be held at 10 AM CST/9 AM MST.
Application is due by February 15.
The following items are needed to have a complete application:
1. Completed Application
2. Completed Advisor’s Recommendation
3. Completed Administrator’s Recommendation
4. Completed Community Member’s Recommendation
5. Candidate Photo
If you have any questions about the officer application process please contact Jennifer O’Brian at: [email protected]